[Paraview] Exporter Plugin Example

Lars Bilke lars.bilke at ufz.de
Fri Aug 5 05:33:41 EDT 2011


My first implementation is on Github:


at Utkarsh: I am sorry my last mail: I used the development install of ParaView and the crashes came from a binary difference I think. Now I compiled ParaView from source and got rid of crashes.

The problem is that it never executes the WriteData()-method from my exporter. I also noticed that this method is not executed because the vtkSMRenderViewExporterProxy::Write()-method is also not executed. I assume that my exporter class itself is fine but the server manager configuration is missing something.

I turned on the debug output of my exporter (you see that the RenderWindow is never set and also the Write()-method is never executed). This is the output when trying to export as OpenSG:

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/ParaView-Plugins/pv_opensg_plugin/vtkOpenSGExporter.cxx, line 50
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): OpenSG converter initing

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Common/vtkObject.cxx, line 845
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): Registered by vtkClientServerInterpreter (0x7ff3b9cccfd0), ReferenceCount = 2

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Common/vtkObject.cxx, line 870
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): UnRegistered by NULL, ReferenceCount = 1

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Common/vtkObject.cxx, line 845
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): Registered by vtkClientServerInterpreter (0x7ff3b9cccfd0), ReferenceCount = 2

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Common/vtkObject.cxx, line 865
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): UnRegistered by vtkClientServerInterpreter (0x7ff3b9cccfd0), ReferenceCount = 1

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/ParaView-Plugins/pv_opensg_plugin/vtkOpenSGExporter.h, line 47
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): setting FileName to /Users/lars/Desktop/test.osb

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Common/vtkObject.cxx, line 865
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): UnRegistered by vtkClientServerInterpreter (0x7ff3b9cccfd0), ReferenceCount = 0

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/ParaView-Plugins/pv_opensg_plugin/vtkOpenSGExporter.cxx, line 61
vtkOpenSGExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): OpenSG converter exiting

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Rendering/vtkExporter.cxx, line 20
vtkExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): vtkExporter (0x7ff3bc0ef590): setting RenderWindow to 0

Debug: In /Users/lars/ent/kitware/ParaView-3.8.1/VTK/Common/vtkObject.cxx, line 153
vtkObject (0x7ff3bc0ef590): Destructing!

Thanks for your help!

Am Montag, 1. August 2011 um 18:03 schrieb Utkarsh Ayachit:

> Simple create a server-manager plugin that regsiters a new proxy under
> the exporter's group. The "Export" code looks at all proxies defined
> in this group each time (if I remember correctly).
> Utkarsh
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Lars Bilke <lars.bilke at ufz.de (mailto:lars.bilke at ufz.de)> wrote:
> > Dear ParaView users / developers,
> >  
> > I would like to create a ParaView exporter for the OpenSG scene graph as a plugin. But I haven´t found an example on how to do this. I saw that the VRMLExporter is registered in ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Resources/utilities.xml but as far as I understand this xml file is needed at compile time.
> >  
> > So is this possible at all and has someone already written an exporter as a plugin and can share his/her experience and give me some starting points.
> >  
> > Thanks!
> > Lars Bilke
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