[Paraview] mpi error

pratik pratik.mallya at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 00:57:50 EDT 2011

I know that this is not an mpi mailing list....but if anyone has seen 
errors of the following form when starting pvserver on a remote computer 
can you please let me know how you fixed it?

MPI: libxmpi.so 'SGI MPT 1.23  03/28/09 11:45:59'
MPI: libmpi.so  'SGI MPT 1.23  03/28/09 11:43:39'
     MPI Environmental Settings
MPI: MPI_DSM_DISTRIBUTE (default: not set) : 1
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
ctrl_connect/connect: Connection refused
MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 7 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
MPI: aborting job

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