[Paraview] Error building paraview server without X server support: vtkXdmf fails

Jorge Gerardo Peña Pastor jorge.pena.pastor at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 05:21:18 EDT 2010


I also found this thread where they give more details:


Now I can compile and run with the off-screen-rendering flag working properly.

2010/9/27 pat marion <pat.marion at kitware.com>:
> I think this is a bug in ParaView/Utilities/Xdmf2/vtk/CMakeLists.txt
> This cmakelists compiles vtkXdmfRenderWindowInteractor which uses X11 if
> USE_RENDER_WINDOW_INTERACTOR is true.  The logic does not respect the
> VTK_USE_X flag.
> Pat
> 2010/9/27 Kevin H. Hobbs <hobbsk at ohiou.edu>
>>  Hi Jorge,
>> On 09/27/2010 05:21 AM, Jorge Gerardo Peña Pastor wrote:
>> > Hello everybody,
>> >
>> > I am trying to compile the paraView server to use inside a cluster
>> > withou rendering hardware.
>> > I have configured the CMakeLists to use the following options:
>> >
>> > VTK_USE_X = OFF
>> >
>> > Nevertheless, when I run "make pvserver" I get an error compiling
>> > vtkXdmf:
>> > X11/StringDefs.h: file not found when trying to compile
>> > vtkXdmfRenderWindowIteractor
>> > and also other files/declarations are missing: Widget, XtPointer,
>> > XEvent, XtIntervalId, XtappContext, and more...
>> >
>> > I think that these objects are trying to compile against the X
>> > libraries, but according to my CMakeLists, they shouldn't.
>> > I guess I missed flag or need to install some extra libraries, but I
>> > cannot realize which one.
>> > Do you know where the error comes from?
>> >
>> > Thak you,
>> >
>> >
>> I think I had to set OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY to an empty string, that is :
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