[Paraview] Problem with plugin Creation

R M mlokida at yahoo.fr
Mon Sep 27 10:48:45 EDT 2010


I try to create a reader plugin but everything I try does not work. 
First I have follow the wiki: 
The cmale generation is ok. But When I try to compile the projet in visual 
studio 2005, I obtain the error LNK2019:    error lnk2019 unresolved external 
symbol "public: int __thiscall vtkTestReader::CanReadFile(char const *)" 
(?CanReadFile at vtkTestReader@@QAEHPBD at Z) eferenced in function "int __cdecl 
vtkTestReaderCommand(class vtkClientServerInterpreter *,class vtkObjectBase 
*,char const *,class vtkClientServerStream const &,class vtkClientServerStream 

 I have modified some stuffs but always the same problem.
So, I have installed plugin wizard. http://pluginwizard.mirarco.org/

I generate a reader with the wizard and when I generate the project using cmake 
everything is OK.
But, When I am in visual studio I have the same error !!

Someone has an idea for this kind of problem ?

In attachment the source generated from the wizard.

Thank you.

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