[Paraview] Plugin that is a reader and a filter

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 14:28:36 EDT 2010

Sorry if I was not clear.

Ideally I'd want to do the following:

1) click on a PolyData in the pipeline

2) go to Filter->ReadAndApplyTransform.

3) It should then ask me which transform file I want to read (the
"reader" functionality" I mentioned). My vtkReadAndApplyTransform
would then read this transform file and apply it to the PolyData on
the input port (provided by step #1)

If that isn't possible, then Utkarshs suggestion of applying the
transform in side the reader would be fine. The reader would prompt
for a file name. I would give it foo.vtp, then I would internally
create foo.xform. I looked into subclassing vtkXMLPolyDataReader but
it doesn't seem to work the same as other VTK classes? Typically I
just implement RequestData, but vtkXMLPolyDataReader doesn't have a
RequestData (it is in vtkXMLReader). How/where would I do everything
vtkXMLPolyDataReader normally does and get a vtkPolyData object that I
could then transform?



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