[Paraview] pvbatch (3.8.0) rendering through OSmesa does not work on multiple nodes

Van Mierlo K. kvm at soton.ac.uk
Wed Sep 22 12:06:24 EDT 2010

I have compiled osmesa 7.5.2 and the newest release candidate osmesa 7.8.3-rc1. Unfortunately pvbatch 3.8.0 using either of these libraries gives the same output and the render error persists. I use the following command to configure / compile the osmesa library:

 ./configure --with-driver=osmesa --without-x --disable-glu --disable-egl --disable-gallium --prefix=/home/kvm/mesa752 --exec_prefix=/home/kvm/mesa752

Allthough it would be nice to solve this error it will not have my priority since I can easily render my dataset on a single node of the cluster.


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