[Paraview] Problem with disconnecting from the builtin server in pvpython

pat marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Wed Sep 15 15:21:57 EDT 2010

I'm afraid your use case is not well supported.  There is logic in the
paraview gui application that ensures a clean disconnect, which includes a
hard reset of the python interpreter context.  Using only python modules,
there is manual clean up required after a disconnect that is not yet

You might find that your script still works, you'll just be be spammed with
those error messages.  Also, try calling Connect() instead of
servermanager.Disconnect(...).  This will disconnect & reconnect a little
more cleanly, but still not perfect.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:52 PM, logari81 <logari81 at googlemail.com> wrote:

> In the meanwhile I have realized that the error occurs only when I
> include a Delete() statement in my script. Thus the following very
> simple script reproduces the error:
> import sys
> sys.path.append('/usr/lib/paraview')
> from paraview.simple import *
> cone = Cone()
> Delete(cone)
> servermanager.Disconnect(servermanager.ActiveConnection)
> Hopefully someone can explain this behavior.
> Best Regards
> Kostas
> On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 18:59 +0200, logari81 wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > actually I have the same question as in this previous email:
> >
> > http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2008-March/007506.html
> >
> > I use the python interface in an application that I am developing and I
> > import paraview with:
> >
> > from paraview.simple import *
> >
> > During the import a connection to the builtin server is also established
> > silently. Though, in my application I need to clear the pipeline
> > occasionally in order to begin with a new output, so I tried
> > disconnecting from the server with:
> >
> > servermanager.Disconnect(servermanager.ActiveConnection)
> >
> > but I receive the error:
> >
> > ERROR:
> > In
> /build/buildd/paraview-3.8.0/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModuleConnectionManager.cxx,
> line 175
> > vtkProcessModuleConnectionManager (0x1d33240): Invalid connection ID: 5
> >
> > This behavior is tested with ParaView 3.8.0 on Ubuntu 10.04.
> >
> > I would be glad for any hints.
> >
> > Kind Regards
> >
> > Kostas
> >
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