[Paraview] Paraview and Multicore

Guido Staub gstaub at udec.cl
Thu May 13 07:06:32 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I have succesfully compiled Paraview with MPI support on my
Workstation (Quad Core). I have read that paraview runs serial,
pvserver parallel, so I started the server by mpirun -np 4 pvserver and
connected through X. Everything seems to work fine.

But there are two strange behaviours I have noticed:

1. CPU usage on workstation is almost 100% on three of the four cores
although no client is connected (when I type mpirun -np 3 pvserver there
are 2 out of 4 running at 100%; with -np 2 only 1). I have noticed this
using MPICH2 and OpenMPI.

2. When I now start a client process the server uses only one core (-np
4/3/2/1). Why?

Does MPI not work on multicore systems as on multiprocessor systems or
is this a Paraview issue?


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