[Paraview] Problem with stereo in v3.8.0

David Borland borland at renci.org
Fri May 7 10:41:27 EDT 2010


I have tested this with the 64-bit binary releases on Windows XP, and 
with 64-bit builds on Ubuntu Linux.

On 5/7/2010 10:39 AM, David Borland wrote:
> In ParaView 3.6.2 I am able to run ParaView in stereo with paraview 
> --stereo, which renders with red-blue stereo.  Then when saving 
> screenshots or animations, I can select Left Eye Only stereo mode or 
> Right Eye Only stereo mode to generate full-color left-eye and 
> right-eye stereo pairs.  This is very useful for creating stereo 
> content for playback on passive-stereo systems.
> This appears to be broken in ParaView 3.8.0, as trying to save with 
> Left Eye Only or Right Eye Only both result in the same red-blue 
> stereo image.  Is there another way to achieve the result I want, or 
> should this be filed as a bug?  Thanks,
> David

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