[Paraview] running paraview in parallel

Vishwa dagarshali at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 16:15:47 EST 2010

The problem is that it keeps complaining about not having many library
files..I tried and installed them..now, when i compiled, it didnt' give an
error..but when opened it gave segmentation fault.. i read somewhere online
that u need to use unlimit stacksize, which I did and still doesnt work.

i had used -mpi opition and also to use mesa ..

hit a wall again..


On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 3:12 PM, burlen <burlen.loring at gmail.com> wrote:

> Apparently your cluster doesn't have X11 server started. The error message
> reports this path because __FILE__ cpp macro is used.
> Question: Why is it a problem to install and run ParaView from your home
> folder? It should be OK.
> Vishwa wrote:
>> Thankyou all for responding again..:)
>> I tried to compile paraview and to only hit a wall after wall as I have to
>> install it to my local folder due to not having administrator privileges..
>> so i downloaded the binaries last night and checked that it worked..
>> Today to  my surprise, when i try to open paraview in the hpc headnode,
>> where i downloaded the binaries, it gives the following error..
>>    [vishwa at hpc4 ~]$ paraview
>>    ERROR: In
>>  /home/kitware/ParaView-3.6/ParaView3/VTK/Rendering/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx,
>>    line 632
>>    vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x143bb10): Cannot create GLX context.
>>  Aborting.
>> and i dont' have /home/kitware etc...directory...so i dont understand what
>> is happening..
>> I made sure that i included the path of the bin and lib in the newly
>> downloaded binary..
>> Any suggestions?
>> Regards,
>> vishwa
>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 2:38 PM, burlen <burlen.loring at gmail.com <mailto:
>> burlen.loring at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>    Also be aware that there is a bug in ParaView, where if the server
>>    startup command doesn't return for some reason, ssh turns into an
>>    orphan process and will not relinquish the ports it used,
>>    preventing any further use of those ports.
>>    http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=10283
>>    I did submit a patch to fix it but it has yet to be applied.
>>    burlen wrote:
>>        Your command isn't quite right, specifically how you are
>>        trying to specify the compute node.
>>        Take a look at the section here,
>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/Reverse_connection_and_port_forwarding#Reverse_Connection_Over_an_ssh_Tunnel
>>        It's a little closer to your situation.
>>        Vishwa wrote:
>>            Hi,
>>            Thanks for the reply..I did look at the wiki and tried the
>>            following..
>>            I set up a server/client reverse connection and trired to
>>            connect.. but i coudn't.. this was the command that i gave
>>            for the server.. olivegarden is the hostname of my laptop.
>>            ssh -i /home/dagarshali/.ssh/id_rsa
>>            vishwa at hpc4.iastate.edu <mailto:vishwa at hpc4.iastate.edu>
>>            <mailto:vishwa at hpc4.iastate.edu
>>            <mailto:vishwa at hpc4.iastate.edu>> node083 pvserver
>>            --reverse-connection --server-port=11111
>>            --client-host=olivegarden
>>            here node083 is the node where the pvserver was launched...
>>            so wasn't sure how to give that info in this command.. or
>>            am i doing something wrong.. when you say that start the
>>            cient, am i just creating a server/client and connect in
>>            manual mode..?
>>            Regards,
>>            Vishwa
>>            On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 1:00 PM, burlen
>>            <burlen.loring at gmail.com <mailto:burlen.loring at gmail.com>
>>            <mailto:burlen.loring at gmail.com
>>            <mailto:burlen.loring at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>               By the way a number of common scenarios, issues and
>>            solutions are
>>               explained on the wiki
>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/Reverse_connection_and_port_forwarding
>>               Hope this helps
>>               Moreland, Kenneth wrote:
>>                   Currently you are not launching the server in reverse
>>                   connection mode.  To launch the server in reverse
>>            connection
>>                   mode, you need to give it the arguments -rc (or
>>                   --reverse-connection) and
>>            --client-host=/laptop.hostname.com/
>>            <http://laptop.hostname.com/>
>>                   <http://laptop.hostname.com/>.  When given these
>>            arguments,
>>                   the server will immediately try to make a connection to
>>                   /laptop.hostname.com/ <http://laptop.hostname.com/>
>>            <http://laptop.hostname.com/>.  Thus,
>>                   you first need to have your client running and
>>            waiting for the
>>                   server to connect.  After getting things set up,
>>            you should
>>                   eventually try to set up your client to
>>            automatically start
>>                   the server with an ssh call and then wait for the
>>            server to
>>                   connect back.
>>                   -Ken
>>                   On 2/27/10 9:11 AM, "Vishwa" <dagarshali at gmail.com
>>            <mailto:dagarshali at gmail.com>
>>                   <mailto:dagarshali at gmail.com
>>            <mailto:dagarshali at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                      Hi,
>>                      I would to visualize the data that is being
>>            computed on a
>>                   hpc by
>>                      using pvserver and paraview.
>>                      i have come across a many documents saying how
>>            to connect
>>                   and the
>>                      one what i thought might be appropriate in my
>>            case would to
>>                   be to
>>                      run pvserver on the hpc and then connect to it usind
>>                   server/client
>>                      reverse connection from my desktop..
>>                      here is the procedure that i use to connect to
>>            the hpc to
>>                   submit job.
>>                      i log in to the head node via ssh john at a.b.c.d
>>                      i then submit my job using the the following
>>            script via
>>                   qsub myscript
>>                      *#PBS
>>  -lmem=2Gb,nodes=1:ppn=4,cput=24:00:00,walltime=24:00:00
>>                          cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR
>>                      cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} > node1
>>                      mpirun --machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -np 4 pvserver
>>                      --use-offscreen-rendering -\
>>                      -server-port=11111 >log1
>>                      *
>>                      in the node1 file, i get say node083 (and it is
>>            repeated 4
>>                   times)
>>                      I am not sure how to connect to this node say by
>>            running
>>                   paraview
>>                      from my laptop to visualize that.
>>                      Any help would be greatly appreciated..
>>                      Regards,
>>                      vishwa
>>                     ****      Kenneth Moreland
>>                      ***      Sandia National Laboratories
>>                   ***********  *** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
>>            <mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>
>>                   <mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov <mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
>>                   **  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
>>                      ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel<http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Ekmorel>
>>            <http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Ekmorel>
>>                   <http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Ekmorel>
>>                   <http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Ekmorel>
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