[Paraview] running paraview in parallel

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 15:38:28 EST 2010

Also be aware that there is a bug in ParaView, where if the server 
startup command doesn't return for some reason, ssh turns into an orphan 
process and will not relinquish the ports it used, preventing any 
further use of those ports.


I did submit a patch to fix it but it has yet to be applied.

burlen wrote:
> Your command isn't quite right, specifically how you are trying to 
> specify the compute node.
> Take a look at the section here,
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/Reverse_connection_and_port_forwarding#Reverse_Connection_Over_an_ssh_Tunnel 
> It's a little closer to your situation.
> Vishwa wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the reply..I did look at the wiki and tried the following..
>> I set up a server/client reverse connection and trired to connect.. 
>> but i coudn't.. this was the command that i gave for the server.. 
>> olivegarden is the hostname of my laptop.
>> ssh -i /home/dagarshali/.ssh/id_rsa vishwa at hpc4.iastate.edu 
>> <mailto:vishwa at hpc4.iastate.edu> node083 pvserver 
>> --reverse-connection --server-port=11111 --client-host=olivegarden
>> here node083 is the node where the pvserver was launched...
>> so wasn't sure how to give that info in this command.. or am i doing 
>> something wrong.. when you say that start the cient, am i just 
>> creating a server/client and connect in manual mode..?
>> Regards,
>> Vishwa
>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 1:00 PM, burlen <burlen.loring at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:burlen.loring at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     By the way a number of common scenarios, issues and solutions are
>>     explained on the wiki
>>     http://paraview.org/Wiki/Reverse_connection_and_port_forwarding
>>     Hope this helps
>>     Moreland, Kenneth wrote:
>>         Currently you are not launching the server in reverse
>>         connection mode.  To launch the server in reverse connection
>>         mode, you need to give it the arguments -rc (or
>>         --reverse-connection) and --client-host=/laptop.hostname.com/
>>         <http://laptop.hostname.com/>.  When given these arguments,
>>         the server will immediately try to make a connection to
>>         /laptop.hostname.com/ <http://laptop.hostname.com/>.  Thus,
>>         you first need to have your client running and waiting for the
>>         server to connect.  After getting things set up, you should
>>         eventually try to set up your client to automatically start
>>         the server with an ssh call and then wait for the server to
>>         connect back.
>>         -Ken
>>         On 2/27/10 9:11 AM, "Vishwa" <dagarshali at gmail.com
>>         <mailto:dagarshali at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>            Hi,
>>            I would to visualize the data that is being computed on a
>>         hpc by
>>            using pvserver and paraview.
>>            i have come across a many documents saying how to connect
>>         and the
>>            one what i thought might be appropriate in my case would to
>>         be to
>>            run pvserver on the hpc and then connect to it usind
>>         server/client
>>            reverse connection from my desktop..
>>            here is the procedure that i use to connect to the hpc to
>>         submit job.
>>            i log in to the head node via ssh john at a.b.c.d
>>            i then submit my job using the the following script via
>>         qsub myscript
>>            *#PBS
>>            -lmem=2Gb,nodes=1:ppn=4,cput=24:00:00,walltime=24:00:00    
>>            cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR
>>            cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} > node1
>>            mpirun --machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -np 4 pvserver
>>            --use-offscreen-rendering -\
>>            -server-port=11111 >log1
>>            *
>>            in the node1 file, i get say node083 (and it is repeated 4
>>         times)
>>            I am not sure how to connect to this node say by running
>>         paraview
>>            from my laptop to visualize that.
>>            Any help would be greatly appreciated..
>>            Regards,
>>            vishwa
>>           ****      Kenneth Moreland
>>            ***      Sandia National Laboratories
>>         ***********  *** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
>>         <mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>
>>         **  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
>>            ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel
>>         <http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Ekmorel>
>>         <http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Ekmorel>
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