[Paraview] RE Another Syntax Error - ParaView Plugins

Stephane PLOIX stephane.ploix at edf.fr
Wed Feb 24 04:52:38 EST 2010

Hi Christian,

ParaView/VTK uses a specialized parser tuned for vtk, and this parser has 
some assumptions , and in particular all class names must start with 
"vtk", thus your classes starting with ivtk or xtk will not be accepted by 
the parser. You can try to exclude the offending lines from the parsing 
using //BTX //ETX , but it would be simpler if you keep the "vtk" prefix.

Other limitations : 
the parser will complain if you include more than only the superclass 
header in your header file (and commits to vtk itself will be rejected 
unless you add comments explaining why you had to add those includes)
templated ivars must be between //BTX //ETX 

Some usefull references : 


christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de 
Envoyé par : paraview-bounces at paraview.org
24/02/2010 09:55

paraview at paraview.org

[Paraview] Another Syntax Error - ParaView Plugins


I am writng a plugin for my paraview. I already succeeded doing this 
with another filter but this one drives me crazy. I keep getting these

"*** SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file 
before line 8 ***

messages, no matter where I put these //BTX //ETX. This is my header:


#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkSimpleImageToImageFilter.h"
#include "xtkBox.h"

class VTK_IMAGING_EXPORT ivtkSampleImageFilter : public 
vtkSimpleImageToImageFilter {
    static ivtkSampleImageFilter* New();

    vtkTypeMacro( ivtkSampleImageFilter, vtkSimpleImageToImageFilter);
    ivtkSampleImageFilter(const ivtkSampleImageFilter&) {};
    void operator=(const ivtkSampleImageFilter&) {};

    //override from vtkImageToImageFilter
    virtual void SimpleExecute(vtkImageData* inp, vtkImageData* out);

    vtkImageData*    vtkResultImage;
    /// custom Filter function ///
    template <typename ImageType>
    void ApplyFilter(vtkImageData* vtkInput);

It also complains if I comment out my #include "xtkBox.h", or put some 
//BTX//ETX all around other places. It keeps coming with the error 
message as if I did not even edit the right file. (I do, I checked 
that... :)

I call a macro later in the header which is defined in the xtkBox.h but 
the compiler does not even care if it is defined or not. Anyway, for 
completeness I attached this xtkBox.h.

Does anyone see what I am missing?

Best regards,
#ifndef XTK_BOX
#define XTK_BOX

#include "vtkImageExport.h"
#include "vtkImageImport.h"
#include "itkVTKImageImport.h"
#include "itkVTKImageExport.h"

#include "vtkImageData.h"
#include "itkImage.h"
template <typename ImageType>
class XTKBox {
                 typedef itk::VTKImageImport<ImageType> ImageImportType;
                 typedef itk::VTKImageExport<ImageType> ImageExportType;
                 typename ImageImportType::Pointer itkImporter;
                 typename ImageExportType::Pointer itkExporter;
                 vtkImageImport* vtkImporter;
                 vtkImageExport* vtkExporter;
                 ImageType*              itkImage;
                 vtkImageData*           vtkImage;
                 XTKBox() {};
                 //get/set ITK Image Data
                 void setITKImage(ImageType*);
                 ImageType* getITKFromVTKImage();
                 //get/set VTK Image Data
                 void setVTKImage(vtkImageData*);
                 vtkImageData* getVTKFromITKImage();
                 vtkImageData* getVTKImage();

///Two macros that have to be called in all ivkt Filters.
///vtkITKFilter_CXX_Macro(ClassName) and vtkITKFilter_H_Macro
///(they construct the proper ITK ImageType according to the input 
#define vtkITKFilter_H_Macro \
                 virtual void StartTypeGeneration(vtkImageData*); \
                 template<unsigned int DIM> \
                 void FinalizeImageType(vtkImageData* vtkInput); \
                 template<unsigned int DIM, unsigned int COMP> \
                 void CreateType(vtkImageData* vtkInput);

#define vtkITKFilter_CXX_Macro(thisClass) \
/** \
 * Step 1) Initialize TypeCreation by getting the dimensionality of the 
vtkInput. \
 */ \
void thisClass:: \
StartTypeGeneration(vtkImageData* vtkInput) \
{ \
    unsigned int dimensionality = vtkInput->GetDataDimension(); \
    switch(dimensionality) { \
                 case 1: FinalizeImageType<1>(vtkInput); \
                         break; \
                 case 2: FinalizeImageType<2>(vtkInput); \
                         break; \
                 case 3: FinalizeImageType<3>(vtkInput); \
                         break; \
                 default: \
ApplyITKFilter Error" \
                     << "\ndimensionality of vtk input image is " << 
dimensionality); \
    } \
} \
/** \
 * Step 2) Get the number of scalar components and setup the final image 
type. \
 */ \
template<unsigned int DIM> \
void thisClass:: \
FinalizeImageType(vtkImageData* vtkInput) \
{ \
    unsigned int components = vtkInput->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); \
    switch(components) { \
                 case 1: return CreateType<DIM, 1>(vtkInput); \
                                 break; \
                 case 2: return CreateType<DIM, 2>(vtkInput); \
                                 break; \
                 case 3: return CreateType<DIM, 3>(vtkInput); \
                                 break; \
                 default: \
SetupImageType Error" \
                     << "\nnumber of components of vtk input image is " << 
components); \
    } \
} \
/** \
 * Step 3) Setup the appropriate itk::Image data type. \
 */ \
template<unsigned int DIM, unsigned int COMP> \
void thisClass:: \
CreateType(vtkImageData* vtkInput) \
{ \
    const int scalarType = vtkInput->GetScalarType(); \
    if (scalarType == VTK_CHAR) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< char, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM > ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< unsigned char, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM >  ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_SHORT) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< short, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM > ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< unsigned short, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM >  ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_INT) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< int, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM > ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_UNSIGNED_INT) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< unsigned int, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM >  ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_LONG) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< long, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM > ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< unsigned long, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM >  ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_FLOAT) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< float, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM > ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else if (scalarType == VTK_DOUBLE) { \
                 typedef itk::Vector< double, COMP > PixelType; \
                 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, DIM > ImageType; \
                 ApplyFilter<ImageType>( vtkInput ); \
    } else { \
                 const char* scalarTypeString = 
vtkInput->GetScalarTypeAsString(); \
CreateType Error" \
                     << "\nscalar type of vtk input image is " << 
scalarTypeString \
                     << "(" << scalarType << ")"); \
    } \
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