[Paraview] Volume reader

Sébastien Lasserre sebastien.lasserre at epfl.ch
Mon Feb 22 09:15:40 EST 2010

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a VTK reader to read custom volumetric data into Paraview.

I started with the example vtkImageAlgorithm
(http://www.itk.org/Wiki/VTK_Examples_vtkImageAlgorithm_Filter) and
changed it so the Filter doesn't take any input and output a

To simplify, I generate a vtkImageData with constant values in the
RequestData method of my filter and assign it to the output using
output->ShallowCopy(imageData) at the end of the method.

When I tried to use this reader as plugin in Paraview, the views
(Outline, Volume) of the data are not working because the dimension of
the vtkImageData are null.

I tried to use the same filter in a VTK code. The output has a
dimension and I can print the content of the vtkImageData. If I add a
Outline actor, I am able to see the extend of the data but if I attach
a Volume actor, I get this error during the runtime :

 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

If I copy the content of the output into a new vtkImageData, then I am
able to see the data using the Volume Actor and I don't get anymore
the error.

Did I forget something while declaring my filter ?

I attached the header and implementation file of my filter and the
main.cxx for the VTK test.

I am using Paraview 3.7.0 on Ubuntu 9.10.

Thanks for your help,


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