[Paraview] points selection

Sergei D. sj2001 at yandex.ru
Tue Dec 14 05:30:07 EST 2010


How to select a points by my own ids, not vtkOriginalPointIds?
I have a time series vtk-files with unstructured grid. I need to selet a 
points in some location and track its along time.
Number of selected points is about 1000 (so, it is a cloud). The problem 
is that the points are added and removed during simulation, and their 
vtkOriginalPointIdsat different times may be different. Results is that 
a tracked points is not a original selected points. But I have a my 
point ids in vtk-files as a data.  So, I can use Find Data with a query 
"id is one from ...". But I need about 1000 points so it is hard to use 
this way. In order to extract the point ids for the query I must: select 
a points on some location, do ExtractSelection filter, export 
ExtractSelection data from a table to a file, extract my ids from this 
file, insert extracted ids to a query...
Is there a better way?


Best regards,
Sergei D.

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