[Paraview] Re : Re : Bug with CellDataToPointData and vtkMultiBlockDataSet ?

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Mon Dec 13 05:52:59 EST 2010

I have large multi-level hierarchies of vtkMultiBlockDataSet with FieldData and I have tried to reproduce what you describe as a bug and was not able to do so. My FieldData was cleanly copied (passed over) when using PointDataToCellData followed by CellDataToPointData.

My only idea is that what you see *might* be caused by the fact that not all the blocks in your multi-block container have the same FieldData? or perhaps that your FieldData arrays don't have a name? That's all I can think of.
Jean M. Favre
Swiss National Supercomputing Center

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