[Paraview] ParaViewWeb installation - partial success, no mouse interaction

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Dec 6 09:59:50 EST 2010

Good to know. Yup I did mean "PWService", funny how sometimes your
mind thinks one thing and your fingers type as if they have their own
separate mind :).


On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Mario Rossi <m.rossi40 at rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Utkarsh,
> thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction although I didn't
> gave many details.
> As a side remark, if somebody else runs into similar problems, I guess you meant
> PWService instead of PWAdmin (localhost:8080/PWAdmin does not
> exist: 404 error).
> The error log there gave errors like the following either for the PWShuttle or
> PWSimple (error thrown when the view is rotated):
> "X Error of failed request:  GLXBadContextTag
>  Major opcode of failed request:  153 (GLX)
>  Minor opcode of failed request:  5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent)
>  Serial number of failed request:  1021
>  Current serial number in output stream:  1021"
> This reminded me of earlier problems that happened when I disabled 3D
> acceleration. So I enabled 3D acceleration and ParaViewWeb runs without problems
> :))
> (I had disabled 3D because it caused problems with other applications. Do you
> happen to have an explanation, why GLXBadContextTag occurs without 3D
> acceleration?)
> I am running Ubuntu Linux x86_64 with NVidia Geforce 210M.
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Mario
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>
> To: Mario Rossi <m.rossi40 at rocketmail.com>
> Cc: paraview at paraview.org
> Sent: Sun, December 5, 2010 5:24:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaViewWeb installation - partial success, no mouse
> interaction
> Mario,
> Try this:
> logon to the administrative page at:
> localhost:8080/PWAdmin
> Login using admin/admin (unless you changed it in pw-config.properties file).
> Now with the shuttle app running, look at the error and output logs
> for the active processes. Is it spewing out any error messages?
> What browser are you using? What platform?
> Utkarsh
> On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Mario Rossi <m.rossi40 at rocketmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Paraview(Web) Users and Developers,
>> I have installed ParaViewWeb as closely as possible after
>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_Building.
>> It seems to work partially, but not ready for "production" use.
>> These things are ok:
>> * http://localhost:8080/PWService lists the active processes
>> * http://localhost:8080/PWSimple shows the six spheres
>> * http://localhost:8080/PWConsole executes the example code when copy&pasted.
>> This does not work:
>> * http://localhost:8080/PWSimple does not rotate the spheres when dragging the
>> mouse. There is no reaction at all. Only the flex renderer makes the status
> bar
>> flicker between "Transferring data from localhost" and "Waiting for
>> localhost..." when I drag the mouse inside. *Some* messages seem to be sent.
>> * http://localhost:8080/PWShuttle only shows the slider and the "Flash..."
>> combobox and a blue area. I cannot interact with the slider or the combox box.
>> I am not sure if I followed the Wiki correctly.
>> The Wiki says: "The automatic launch of this executable[PWServer] is done by
>> WebServer/CoreService application."
>> And the Wiki mentions: "For the runtime ... ActiveMQ 3.x, the JMS brocker"
> (but
>> no details for activemq installation are given)
>> I don't see where to set up the automatic launch of PWServer, and again the
>> PWServer depends on a running ActiveMQ.
>> How I am starting things is the following:
>> 1) $ activemq start
>>     The output is: ... INFO  BrokerService                  - ActiveMQ JMS
>> Message Broker (localhost, ID:xyz:0) started
>> 2) $ PWServer
>>     The output is: JMS Initialized in 0.138528 seconds
>>     sessionID : org.paraview.paraweb
>>     logLevel : ERROR
>>     Processing Engine Initialized in 0.590458 seconds
>>     Processing engine is started !
>> 3) $ apache-tomcat-6.0.29/bin/startup.sh
>>     The output is: Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.29
>>     Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.29
>>     Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.29/temp
>>     Using JRE_HOME:        /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
>>     Using CLASSPATH:       /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.29/bin/bootstrap.jar
>> I don't see any problems in the output of these commands, but is it ok to
> start
>> them manually in this order?
>> I am testing on a 2.8 GHz dual core Xeon with 2 GB of RAM. My first impression
>> was that my setup is just extremely slow, but I doubt that this is the
>> explanation. Firstly, the hardware should suffice, secondly there is
> absolutely
>> NO interactivity.
>> Can somebody help and suggest how to debug problems, or what I could check?
>> Thanks for reading
>> Mario
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