[Paraview] Error when running script to animate a transform

Madhura Phadke madhura.np at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 20:19:51 EDT 2010

I am writing a script that applies a transform over the active object and
animates its translation over time.
A snippet of the relevant lines [the python script is at
http://www.wikiupload.com/NEU3a9P3 ->Download button.   ] :
scene = servermanager.animation.AnimationScene()
scene.ViewModules = [GetActiveView()]
cue = servermanager.animation.KeyFrameAnimationCue()
cue.AnimatedProxy = t.Transform
cue.AnimatedPropertyName = "Scale"
scene.Cues = [cue]
cue.KeyFrames = [keyf0, keyf1]


When I use "Scale" for AnimatedPropertyName
the script works fine. However, I get an error "ERROR: In
..\..\..\src\Servers\ServerManager\vtkSMRampKeyFrameProxy.cxx, line 52
(0C1076F0): Cue does not have domain or property set!" on using "Translate"
or "Rotate".
I don't know what I'm setting wrong. In case anyone has got this working,
please let me know.

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