[Paraview] New HDF5 based reader

Reuter, Michael A. reuterma at ornl.gov
Mon Aug 9 11:59:47 EDT 2010


                I have been working at trying to get a NeXus (www.nexusformat.org<http://www.nexusformat.org>) file read into ParaView. The NeXus format is HDF5 based and this seems to be the source of the current problem that I'm encountering.  When I try to open a NeXus file via this call:

NeXus::File *fh = new NeXus::File(filename, NXACC_READ);

I get the backtrace that's attached to this email. The lowest level frame is given here:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007fffd7a3da8b in H5FL_reg_malloc () from /usr/lib/libhdf5.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007fffd7a3da8b in H5FL_reg_malloc () from /usr/lib/libhdf5.so.6

At first, this looked like an issue with the system HDF5 libraries, but I can put the above line into a standalone program, link it against the same libraries and I can open a file without any errors. I have searched the list archive for any enlightenment, but I didn't find this particular problem. Is there anything special about using HDF5 libraries in ParaView plugins that I missed in the documentation? I am running on Ubuntu 10.04 using the provided HDF5 libraries and I have compiled and linked the NeXus libraries against the same HDF5 libraries.

I know about Xdmf and have tried that with success, but I do not want to go down the two file route, so I'd really like to get this reader working. I can provide more detailed information (like plugin source code, sample file etc.) to anyone who can help, but I don't want to spam the entire list with it right off the bat.

Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Scattering Science Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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