[Paraview] Python - StructuredGridReader

Christian Werner christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
Sun Apr 4 06:04:20 EDT 2010

I used the Trace functionality in the Python Shell to figure out that I 
need a XMLImageDataReader for that task.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Christian Werner wrote:
> Hi!
> I wonder how I can use a StructuredGridReader from within Python. I 
> need to read .vti volume files, but Python says:
> >>> help(StructuredGridReader)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> NameError: name 'StructuredGridReader' is not defined
> I have read the Paraview Tutorial, where the ExodusIIReader ist used. 
> This works without a problem:
> >>> help(ExodusIIReader)
> Help on function CreateObject in module paraview.simple:
> CreateObject(*input, **params)
> The Exodus reader loads Exodus II files and produces an unstructured 
> grid output. The default file extensions are .g, .e, .ex2, .ex2v2, 
> .exo, .gen, .exoII, .exii, .0, .00, .000, and .0000 .
> What am I doing wrong?
> Best regards,
> Christian
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