[Paraview] Problem with custom time-aware reader

Karl König kkoenig11 at web.de
Tue Sep 8 11:47:38 EDT 2009

Hi Ken,

> I don't know why you are getting the FooReader warning.  It sounds like
> an object named FooReader is being defined twice in the server manager
> XML, but I don't know where.

That has been very helpful!
Changing FooReader.xml such that

<SourceProxy name="FooReader" ...>

now belongs to

<ProxyGroup name="internal_sources">

and leaving

<FileSeriesReaderProxy name="FooSeriesReader"


<ProxyGroup name="sources">

(and subsequently adapting the subproxy definition for FileSeriesReaderProxy to
refer to proxy group "internal_sources" instead of "sources") I got rid of the

> The calling of RequestInformation is a little tricky to explain.  In
> general, RequestInformation should /not/ be called when the time
> changes.  However, when the time changes, the file series reader changes
> the filename to the internal reader (in this case, the foo reader).  The
> correct behavior for the pipeline is to re-call RequestInformation if
> the the algorithm object gets modified (e.g. an ivar like FileName
> changes).  Thus, if the time changes then the file series reader will
> call RequestInformation on the foo reader from within the RequestData
> pipeline pass.  I would not be surprised if this was the same behavior
> in both the GUI and Python.  It might just be that the progress
> monitoring is slightly different.

Thanks for the explanation. So, I guess it shouldn't harm to add some code to prevent re-parsing the same file again in RequestInformation in case this->FileName hasn't changed since the last time RequestData has been called.

Thank you very much for your patience and advice!


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