[Paraview] Point source

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 14:45:42 EDT 2009

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Jérôme <jerome.velut at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I just try the Auto-accept and I don't have any problem... But maybe I
> understand what is disturbing you: When you create the point source, default
> is 1 point at the center of sphere. This has a ponctual bounding box, so the
> camera is set very close to this point. When changing the parameters, the
> camera is not reset. It is likely that your source doesn't produce points in
> the field of view.
> Try this (that's what I did): just zoom out after having changing the
> parameters!
> In my mind, Auto-accept is not fired every time changes occur on property,
> but in a synchronous way. This has to be confirmed by reading the sources...
> HTH!
> Jérôme

Ah, yes, zooming out shows the points - I guess I was expecting the
camera to be changed so that you could see all the points as soon as
they are added - but I guess that doesn't make sense - or at least
nothing else does that (e.g. if you create a cylinder and then change
it's height so it goes out of frame, the camera doesn't/shouldn't

Thanks for the clarification.


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