[Paraview] Stream Tracer, Save Layout

Paul Edwards paul.m.edwards at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 11:40:34 EDT 2009

Is this a surface or a volume that you are creating streamlines for?
If it is a surface you probably want to use "streamtracer with a
custom source" and use the surface as the source (either use subdivide
or quadric clustering to increase/reduce the number of streamlines).

I have written some plugins for my own filters where I expose the
filename.  This way I can save a state and then just change the
filename and click apply.  You could create a plugin for an existing
reader in ParaView with just an XML file (although it will need to be


2009/10/13 Karin .... <glada_me at hotmail.com>:
> Hi!
> I have opened a figure in Paraview, just defined by surfaces connected
> together. Let’s say a cube with six surfaces. In the xml file the velocity
> is defined as PointDataScalars and now I want to create stream traces in the
> figure. But when I did that with Filters – Alfabetical – Stream Tracer,
> nothing happened. I have tried both with a point source and a line. When I
> generate vectors with glyphs it’s working, but obvious not with stream
> tracer. Someone has a clue what I’ve done wrong?
> Can you save a specific layout in Paraview and then reload another data into
> it? For example every time I load a update on my figure, the color legend
> changes and I have to change all the settings again. I also have to insert
> all the textboxes again, and I find it quite annoying.
> Thanks,
> Carina
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