[Paraview] Paraview 3.6.1 and netCDF 4

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Thu Nov 12 17:22:42 EST 2009

ParaView first uses extensions to determine file type.  Files with extension .nc or .ncdf are assumed to be netCDF files.  If you are using another extension it should still work so long as the extension does not conflict with any other extension used.  If no file extension matches you should get a dialog box asking you what type of reader to use.  If the file is detected as a valid netCDF file, it should show up in that list.


On 11/12/09 1:56 PM, "Matthew Dillon" <mrdillon at alaska.edu> wrote:

Hi all, I have a question. I have been using VTK for some time now,
and have recently been focusing my efforts on Paraview. I am running
into a problem though. I am trying to import netCDF volume data. I am
able to import the file using the raw binary filter, which works quite
well, however, when I try to import a netCDF file with compressed
variables, this approach does not work. Glancing through the
documentation, it appears that the is a netCDF reader built in,
however it doesn't look like my file is being associated with the
netCDF reader when opening. A little about my setup: Mac OS X 10.6.1,
Paraview 3.6.1 binary, netCDF 4.0.1. Any help on this would be really
appreciated. Thanks!

Matthew Dillon
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   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

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