[Paraview] Paraview 3.6.1 and netCDF 4

Matthew Dillon mrdillon at alaska.edu
Thu Nov 12 15:56:03 EST 2009

Hi all, I have a question. I have been using VTK for some time now,  
and have recently been focusing my efforts on Paraview. I am running  
into a problem though. I am trying to import netCDF volume data. I am  
able to import the file using the raw binary filter, which works quite  
well, however, when I try to import a netCDF file with compressed  
variables, this approach does not work. Glancing through the  
documentation, it appears that the is a netCDF reader built in,  
however it doesn't look like my file is being associated with the  
netCDF reader when opening. A little about my setup: Mac OS X 10.6.1,  
Paraview 3.6.1 binary, netCDF 4.0.1. Any help on this would be really  
appreciated. Thanks!

Matthew Dillon

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