[Paraview] Cannot create Deformation field (vector image)

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Tue Nov 3 12:03:57 EST 2009

Can you send/post a small version of this dataset?

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 11:14 AM, motes motes <mort.motes at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have created a 2D deformation field from a 512*512 .png image using
> ITK and the example file: BSplineWarping1.cxx. The deformation field
> is stored in a .mhd file and a .raw file.
> In paraview (3.6.1 for windows) I open the .mhd file. Next I choose
> the calculator filter and type the following expression in the
> expression field:
> MetaImage_X*iHat+MetaImage_Y*jHat+0*kHat
> where MetaImage_X and MetaImage_Y are selected from the Scalars menu.
> Next I press apply.
> Next I select a glyph filter when standing on the calculator. When I
> press apply an empty 3D coordinate system appears without any
> deformation vectors.
> When I press the Information tab in the Glyph filter I can see that:
> Data Arrays:
> Name             Data Type      Data Ranges
> MetaImage      float              [-inf, -1e+38], [-inf, -1e+38]
> GlyphVector    float              [ 1e+38, -1e+38], [ 1e+38, -1e+38],
> [ 1e+38, -1e+38]
> Could this maybe have something to do with the lack of deformation vectors?
> Or are paraview not compatible with deformation fields created with ITK?
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