[Paraview] using netcdf in paraview

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Tue Mar 24 14:32:42 EDT 2009

Hmmm. It sounds like there is version mismatch between ParaView and
the plugin. We deprecated those classes not long ago. Are you using
cvs ParaView?


2009/3/23 Carbonari, Katie (IS) <Katie.Carbonari at ngc.com>:
> Hi there. I'm trying to read netcdf data into paraview, but am having lots
> of issues. I was following these directions (from here:
> http://www.cscs.ch/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=96&Itemid=132):
> Please build ParaView using the CMake advanced option
> PARAVIEW_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_MODULES set to CSCSNetCDF rerun configure and set
> PARAVIEW_USE_CSCSNetCDF to ON, then rerun configure and enter the name of
> the directory where the source has been extracted.
> Build paraview and the netCDF reader should be embedded.
> Building as a vtk module is supported, documentation will be provided as
> soon as possible. (Some changes have recently been made which may break the
> existing build, these will be fixed shortly).
> But when we make Paraview, it's not finding a bunch of files
> (vtkMultiGroupDataInformation.h, vtkMultiGroupDataSet.h,
> vtkMultiGroupSetAlgorithm.h).
> Any advice on how to make this work? Or maybe a better way to read in netcdf
> files?
> Thanks,
> Katie
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