[Paraview] compiling from CVS, vtkSocketCommunicator.cxx:420: error

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Jun 30 13:53:13 EDT 2009

Ricardo Reis wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Brad King wrote:
>> Ricardo Reis wrote:
>>> $ ../../bin/vtkHashSource
>>> ../../bin/vtkHashSource: error while loading shared libraries: 
>>> libvtksys.so.pv3.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
>>> directory
>> Ah, so the executable fails to run because it cannot find shared
>> libraries it needs.  Did you change any RPATH options when configuring
>> paraview in ccmake?  Please post your CMakeCache.txt file.
> I always set VTK_USE_RPATH NO
> because if not I'm unable to install it to other dir (I usually use 
> /opt/paraview).

Okay, I've committed a fix to make vtkHashSource always use RPATH.
It is not installed and it only needs to run from the build tree.


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