[Paraview] Default camera orbit radius

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Jun 29 13:11:36 EDT 2009

We do plan to address such usability issues with the camera animation
for 3.8. Please feel free to report such issues on the the bug tracker
so that we can address them.


On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 9:14 PM, David Doria<daviddoria at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the demo procedure:
> 1) Create a default sphere source
> 2) Zoom wayyy out
> 3) In Animation View, change "sphere1" to "camera"
> 4) click the "+"
> The default radius is 2.5.  When you click "play the animation", the sphere
> takes up almost the entire window rather than being very small as it was
> when we were zoomed out. Is there a way to make this orbit radius more
> intuitive/in line with how the camera is set when the orbit is created?
> There is really no way to know exactly which radius you want - it seems
> natural to set the camera so the object is as big as you want it and then
> say "orbit from this distance".
> (I'm still whining, but the animation features are much easier than they
> used to be!! Keep up the good work :) )
> Thanks,
> David
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