[Paraview] Translating and distributing the SC08 tutorial handouts?

Ricardo Reis rreis at aero.ist.utl.pt
Tue Jun 23 19:07:08 EDT 2009

On Tue, 23 Jun 2009, Moreland, Kenneth wrote:

> If you run "make pdf", it will use pdflatex to create pdf's directly. 
> If you run "make safepdf", it will create a dvi file using latex and 
> then derive a pdf file from that.  Although I perform just using 
> pdflatex directly, the latter method is there because some publishers 
> prefer that method and some LaTeX packages do not work well with 
> pdflatex.

sorry, I was to hasty, I've noticed it myself a few minutes later

I have a debian system with texlive

The only problem I found was the absence [from debian/texlive] of 

I've attached the file because someone else could face the same problem. 
I've just added the file to the make directory and it runned fine.


  Ricardo Reis

  'Non Serviam'

  PhD candidate @ Lasef
  Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Turbulence


  Cultural Instigator @ Rádio Zero

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