[Paraview] Ensight Imort Multiblock Datasets

BastiL2001 bastil2001 at yahoo.de
Sun Jun 21 06:17:46 EDT 2009

A nice sunday to everybody,

first of all I have to thank all the Paraview developers who made the tool what it is today. After some correspondence on the mailing list I am able to use the tool with our models today the way I like :-).

One thing I am not so happy with at the moment is how our Ensight-Multiblock-Data gets imported. An import generates one Multiblock-Dataset with every Ensight-Zone as a block. I have lots of zones and need to extract them all by hand. Maybe this could be scripted. Another problem is I use filter that do not work with multiblock-datasets quite often (resampleWithDataset, AppendAttributes,...). So in my eyes most effektive way of importing would be: Not generate ONE Multiblock-Dataset but generate an individuell unstructered Dataset for each Part of the ensight-File and name them after the Ensight Part names - this will give you e.g. 80 Parts in the Tree if you have 80 Ensight parts instead of one. I would not have to extract blocks afterwards. This duplicates the whole model. Furthermore, if I need unstructed Datasets, I need to run mergeBlocks additionally, producing even more Parts. All of this would not be essential if we had such an import filter.
 However, I do not really know how to modify the filter. Maybe someone can comment on that.

Regards BastiL


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