[Paraview] [paraview] using with python, mpi pvserver and scalar opacity (3.7)

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 15:09:30 EDT 2009

I stand corrected. I have heard so many different claims in term so how 
PV treats serial readers, it's hard to keep them all straight.

Where in the ParaView does the automatic domain decomposition and load 
balancing occur?  Is there a way to take a look at the decomposition 
from within PV?

Berk Geveci wrote:
> This is not correct. The reader is indeed serial. However, ParaView
> redistributes the data after reading it. So the resulting mesh will be
> load balanced across processors but there will be an I/O and/or
> communication overhead.
> Note that for unstructured meshes, the redistribution is not
> necessarily based on spatial partitioning. If you want a nicely
> partitioned and load balanced mesh, use D3.
> -berk
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:50 AM, burlen<burlen.loring at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Perhaps unrelated but I see you are using the legacy reader. As far as I
>> know this reader is not parallel and so if you use it while running in
>> parallel you'll end up with entire data set loaded in all the processes.
>> Probably not what you had in mind.
>> BOUSSOIR Jonathan 167706 wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am using Linux and last csv version of Paraview (3.7)
>>> I have 2 Pyphon script which animate a cylinder either with or without
>>> scalar opacity.
>>> When I use "pvserver" on one CPU, both work well.
>>> If I use "mpirun -np 4 pvserver" to work on four cpu, I saw a color
>>> problem when I use script with scalar opacity.
>>> I don't understand why.
>>> I link the scipts in my email.
>>> Thanks in advance for your kind help.
>>> Regards, Jona
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