[Paraview] builtin doesn't call MPI_Init?

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Wed Jul 29 13:37:38 EDT 2009

It is correct that MPI_Init is not called for builtin.  This is because the paraview client application itself is not a parallel application.  It has no MPI facilities, so MPI cannot be used within it.  If you want to use MPI, you have to connect to a pvserver.


On 7/29/09 11:30 AM, "Bam Ting" <bampingting at gmail.com> wrote:

I think ParaView do not call MPI_init for builtin connection when it compile with MPI. Is that correct? Hard time to locate the right code. When ParaView do not call MPI_Init this cause me some problem. My reader uses mpi io, and do not work without mpi.

My 2 case is this:

When ParaView not compile with MPI, reader not compile, so no one try to use it. No problem!
When ParaView compile with MPI, reader works on all connection except built in. Problem!

reader should work on all connection type + builtin. How can this be realise in the ParaView way?


   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

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