[Paraview] Query about TableToStructuredGrid filter

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Jul 23 15:23:51 EDT 2009

Attached is a sample csv file.
Since the CSV file has 8 points, we can create a grid  with extents
(2x2x2). Hence set the Whole Extent on the "Table To Structured Grid"
filter to be (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1). Then choose the columns to use for
the point coordinates and hit apply.

I guessing what you are missing is setting of the "Whole Extent" on the panel.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Lester
Anderson<lester_anderson1963 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> It is good to see that there is now CSV import functionality, which works
> fine for displaying points (e.g. using Glyphs), but if you want to do more
> interesting work, you need a structured grid. The option to take the loaded
> CSV data and convert it to a Structured Grid is listed (Table to Structure
> Grid). However, this always fails with the same error message (Windows XP
> and Vista)
> ERROR: In ..\..\..\src\VTK\Graphics\vtkTableToStructuredGrid.cxx, line 98
> vtkPTableToStructuredGrid (0A195768): The input table must have exactly 1
> rows. Currently it has 8 rows.
> ERROR: In ..\..\..\src\VTK\Filtering\vtkExecutive.cxx, line 757
> vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0A1952A0): Algorithm
> vtkPTableToStructuredGrid(0A195768) returned failure for request:
> vtkInformation (09987D80)
>   Debug: Off
>   Modified Time: 9473124
>   Reference Count: 1
>   Registered Events: (none)
>   Request: REQUEST_DATA
> I have tested this on a multilayer volume and it fails as above: the Table
> to Points always works. What we want is to have Paraview
> interpolate the data between the points such that a volume can be sliced
> etc. Is there a problem with this option?
> Lester
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