[Paraview] Artifacts on Image when using "Map Scalars" with vtkImageData

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Jul 8 11:03:20 EDT 2009

Custom Reader written recently and compiling on OS X Intel 10.5.7
against ParaView CVS (Updated this morning). When I load my image and
the "Map Scalars" is selected in the "Display Tab" my image is sheared
with diagonal black lines. I have attached a simple reproduction using
a simple white image (Real data is restricted). Investigating this
more it seems that the order of operations may be important because
after fiddling with paraview a bit and reloading some subsections of
the data (but still substituting white data for the real data) now the
"Map Scalars" needs to be OFF to show the diagonal black lines.

It could be my code or it could be a bug in ParaView? I'm open to any

Mike Jackson                               mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
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