[Paraview] Using real timesteps in pvd files

Christian Wellmann wellmann at ikm.uni-hannover.de
Thu Jan 29 03:53:45 EST 2009

Dear all,

I'm using ParaView 3.4 to load the results of a transient simulation
via a pvd file and a set
of vtp XML PolyData files. Each vtp file corresponds to a particular real time
value which are not evenly spaced. I tried to provide the real time
values via the timestep key
in the pvd file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">
<DataSet timestep="1.23"  group="" part="0" file="sp_test0000000.vtp"/>
<DataSet timestep="2.34"  group="" part="0" file="sp_test0002498.vtp"/>
<DataSet timestep="3.15"  group="" part="0" file="sp_test0004496.vtp"/>

It seems that ParaView expects integer values for the timestep key, because
it loads the files like expected but the time table in the Object
Inspector -> Information
tab shows for the above pvd file:
Index   Value
0         1
1         2
2         3

I would be grateful for any help/suggestions.

Christian Wellmann

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