[Paraview] use of self.GetOutPut.SetCells() and vtkSphereSource() in a programmable source

Felipe Bordeu Weldt bordeu at lmt.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Feb 25 04:40:29 EST 2009

I'm using  the programmmable source to generate a simple mesh.
Until now, I was using vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid.SetCells(int,  
vtkCellArray) to set the generated mesh to the output. It work fine  
for meshes of only one type.

now I am trying to generate a mesh with different elements types. but  
I wasn't able to add meshes with different types to the output.
I am trying with the function:

V.SetCells(vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellTypes, vtkIdTypeArray  
*cellLocations, vtkCellArray *Cells);

but I don't understand the cellLocations input variable.
How can I correctly use the vtkSphereSource in the programmable  
Source?. Once the instance is correctly created, How do I extract the  
mesh of the sphere to put it in the output?


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