[Paraview] use of vtkSynchronizedTemplates

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 23 07:48:32 EST 2009

I want to display isosurfaces of values I compute in my filter, so looking at vtkContourFilter, I got the idea to use the vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D (as my filter is going to handle 3D ImageData).
I have a vtkSynchronizedTemplate3D as an instance of my filter, in the constructor it´s initialized and then I do the following:

this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> SetInput(TauSet);
this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> ComputeNormalsOff();
this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> ComputeGradientsOff();
this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> SetComputeScalars(1);
this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> SetNumberOfContours(1);
this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> SetValue(0, TauValue);

int ext[6];
inInfo -> Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), ext);
this -> SynchronizedTemplates3D -> ThreadedExecute(TauSet,inInfo,outInfo,ext, TauValues);

It does compile, but running I get an segmentation fault, debugging and backtracing I get:

#0  0x00007f42ffc5eb10 in ContourImage<double> () from /home/happenhofer/Paraview/build-svn/bin/libvtkGraphics.so.pv3.4
#1  0x00007f42ffc5a308 in vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D::ThreadedExecute () from /home/happenhofer/Paraview/build-svn/bin/libvtkGraphics.so.pv3.4
#2  0x00007f4309195f06 in vtkTauFilter::RequestData () from /home/happenhofer/Paraview/build-svn/bin/libvtkPVFilters.so

vtkTauFilter would be my filter, so the error occurs in ContourImage<double>.

Does anyone have an idea even how to find the problem? That would be a great help.. 

and just in general - calling ThreadedExecute would execute the SynchronizedTemplate filter and return a grid with the isosurface computed, does it not? or do I have to specifiy the output somehow?

thx a lot,
Natalie Happenhofer

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