[Paraview] Trying to plot signals to paraview

George Markomanolis paraview at markomanolis.com
Sat Feb 7 03:25:24 EST 2009

Thank you for the answer, I'll try it. Till now I hadn't good result with
plotting just the points.

George Markomanolis

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Burlen Loring <burlen.loring at kitware.com>wrote:

> George Markomanolis wrote:
>> I must write a script/ program to convert gnuplot file to paraview but I
>> am not sure about the topology, I must declare the topolgy for every point,
>> right?  I am confused because I have a lot of constrains for example if a
>> point is alone then the topology is vertex if there is another point then
>> line etc...
> One way you could simplify this is to use a "dual grid". Instead of
> thinking about your data as point centered think of it as cell centered
> where the data represents a constant value on a quad centered on your point.
>  Then once you construct a list of i,j indices for data that you want to
> keep, traverse the list and generate a point set and quads. Then copy the
> data you need to keep in the same order as you created your quads and insert
> into the vtk poly data object as cell data rather than point data. This will
> give you the same result as the gnu plot image you show and you won't have
> to worry about degenerate cases like isolated vertices, and lines etc.
> George Markomanolis wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am newbie to Paraview and I want to ask you something. I am working with
>> signals and I use gnuplot for plotting. Unfortunately it's slow for big
>> signals. Our program is parallel so we can create files of many GBs. We do a
>> tricky parallel plot, every cpu plots a part of the signal, otherwise we
>> couldn't see the image from gnuplot (crash). So when I saw paraview I liked
>> a lot but it isn't easy.
>> I must explain what I want to plot:
>> We use a techinque in order to cut the points that haven't energy. For
>> example a specific signal with 12000 x 12000 mesh of points which is 8GB
>> file it can go under of 1GB if we cut the useless points. So I give at the
>> gnuplot only the points that I want to plot x,y,z and I use pm3d map because
>> I want them in 2D not 3D for example see the image:
>> http://www.markomanolis.com/files/plots/plot.jpg  I would like to ask. Is
>> this unstructured grid? I show an easy signal it could be with more random
>> points. I have tried unstructured grid for 2 columns only and there is no
>> surface between the columns. I used triangle strip and it was ok but I don't
>> know if I could see the details like here (here I don't cut any useless
>> point, in first image see wave details in the center):
>> http://www.markomanolis.com/files/plots/62_0_0.jpg ,
>> http://www.markomanolis.com/files/plots/resFinal.jpg   .
>> Could I have these plots with paraview or it is good with more complicated
>> plots?
>> I must write a script/ program to convert gnuplot file to paraview but I
>> am not sure about the topology, I must declare the topolgy for every point,
>> right?  I am confused because I have a lot of constrains for example if a
>> point is alone then the topology is vertex if there is another point then
>> line etc... Is there any way to plot this grid with something like image
>> data. I want to give something like structured grid but NOT to give all the
>> points (I don't need them).  The last two images I sent you are with all the
>> points for education propose. I want to plot something like first image but
>> witho more complicated topology
>> Thank you for your time,
>> George Markomanolis
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