[Paraview] Trying to plot signals to paraview

Burlen Loring burlen.loring at kitware.com
Fri Feb 6 10:16:11 EST 2009

George Markomanolis wrote:
> I must write a script/ program to convert gnuplot file to paraview but 
> I am not sure about the topology, I must declare the topolgy for every 
> point, right?  I am confused because I have a lot of constrains for 
> example if a point is alone then the topology is vertex if there is 
> another point then line etc... 
One way you could simplify this is to use a "dual grid". Instead of 
thinking about your data as point centered think of it as cell centered 
where the data represents a constant value on a quad centered on your 
point.  Then once you construct a list of i,j indices for data that you 
want to keep, traverse the list and generate a point set and quads. Then 
copy the data you need to keep in the same order as you created your 
quads and insert into the vtk poly data object as cell data rather than 
point data. This will give you the same result as the gnu plot image you 
show and you won't have to worry about degenerate cases like isolated 
vertices, and lines etc.

George Markomanolis wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am newbie to Paraview and I want to ask you something. I am working 
> with signals and I use gnuplot for plotting. Unfortunately it's slow 
> for big signals. Our program is parallel so we can create files of 
> many GBs. We do a tricky parallel plot, every cpu plots a part of the 
> signal, otherwise we couldn't see the image from gnuplot (crash). So 
> when I saw paraview I liked a lot but it isn't easy.
> I must explain what I want to plot:
> We use a techinque in order to cut the points that haven't energy. For 
> example a specific signal with 12000 x 12000 mesh of points which is 
> 8GB file it can go under of 1GB if we cut the useless points. So I 
> give at the gnuplot only the points that I want to plot x,y,z and I 
> use pm3d map because I want them in 2D not 3D for example see the 
> image: http://www.markomanolis.com/files/plots/plot.jpg  
> I would like to ask. Is this unstructured grid? I show an easy signal 
> it could be with more random points. I have tried unstructured grid 
> for 2 columns only and there is no surface between the columns. I used 
> triangle strip and it was ok but I don't know if I could see the 
> details like here (here I don't cut any useless point, in first image 
> see wave details in the center):    
> http://www.markomanolis.com/files/plots/62_0_0.jpg , 
> http://www.markomanolis.com/files/plots/resFinal.jpg   .
> Could I have these plots with paraview or it is good with more 
> complicated plots?
> I must write a script/ program to convert gnuplot file to paraview but 
> I am not sure about the topology, I must declare the topolgy for every 
> point, right?  I am confused because I have a lot of constrains for 
> example if a point is alone then the topology is vertex if there is 
> another point then line etc... Is there any way to plot this grid with 
> something like image data. I want to give something like structured 
> grid but NOT to give all the points (I don't need them).  The last two 
> images I sent you are with all the points for education propose. I 
> want to plot something like first image but witho more complicated 
> topology          
> Thank you for your time,
> George Markomanolis
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