[Paraview] How to push a value to the ServerManager so it gets pushed down to the Server
Nehme Bilal
nehmebilal at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 19:05:20 EST 2009
Ok !
It still not clear but anyway, if you have specific questions, I'll try to
help ...
2009/12/15 Michael Jackson <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>
> I am developing both a reader (Server Side only) and a custom GUI to go
> along with the reader for the client side. I have all sorts of custom Qt Gui
> widgets in my Reader Gui Plugin and I was hoping to reuse a bunch of code
> that was already existing.
> I have created some plugins (Server side reader with Client side custom
> gui) for ParaView in the past, but all of those plugins used simple
> QWidgets. Nothing like what I am trying now.
> My code is in a publicly accessible git repo if you want to take a look at
> the code.
> _________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> On Dec 15, 2009, at 11:59 AM, Nehme Bilal wrote:
> I see. I already had the same kind of problems but am not able to help
>> much because there is no enough details in your message. Am not sure if it's
>> a reader or a filter that you are developing ? are you reading the file on
>> the client side ? server side ? or both ?
>> 2 potential problems:
>> - if you are reading the file on both the server and client side, your
>> plugin will not work when the server is running on different computer
>> because the file will not be accessible to one of them.
>> - apply your plugin, save the state, delete all objects and reload the
>> state, probably something will go wrong.
>> if you give more details, I'll probably be able to help.
>> Nehme
>> 2009/12/14 Michael Jackson <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>
>> Unfortunately the values that are stored in the QComboBox are read from
>> the data file. The "workaround" that i was able to implement was to create
>> the correct number of QTextEdit widgets and place them in the Gui in
>> QtDesigner. Then in my constructor for my Panel Class, I simply call
>> "setVisible(false)" on each of those QTextEdit widgets so they do not show
>> up in the GUI. I then add in the appropriate logic using Signals/Slots to
>> keep those invisible widgets up to date.
>> Seems kinda of klunky but frankly there is not enough documentation in
>> ParaView to stray from what is in the Wiki. There is mention that I need to
>> implement some sort of "adaptor" for things like this (QRGB to RGB) is used
>> as the example, but no actual implementation details so I, as the
>> programmer, am basically left guessing what to try to implement.
>> Thanks for the suggestion though. Keep them coming. Better, yet, would be
>> places in the ParaView source to look for "examples" besides grepping
>> through the sources for key words.
>> _________________________________________________________
>> Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
>> On Dec 12, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Nehme Bilal wrote:
>> If the elements you want to display in you combobox are always the same,
>> simply use:
>> <IntVectorProperty
>> name="ActiveDimension"
>> command="SetActiveDimension"
>> number_of_elements="1"
>> default_values="0">
>> <EnumerationDomain name="enum">
>> <Entry value="1" text="X"/>
>> <Entry value="2" text="Y"/>
>> <Entry value="3" text="Z"/>
>> </EnumerationDomain>
>> </IntVectorProperty>
>> and then rename you combobox to "ActiveDimension" in qt designer.
>> That's should be enough to do what you are looking for.
>> If you want to fill dynamically your combobox depending on some inputs,
>> it's harder than that but can be done.
>> for you first question, you can always use immediate_update=1 instead of
>> information_only to make sure that your value is pushed immediately to the
>> server.
>> Nehme
>> 2009/12/11 Michael Jackson <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>
>> Well,
>> That helped. At least something is getting set on the server side now.
>> Copy-Paste error. Doh. Alas, the value getting set is not the correct value.
>> _________________________________________________________
>> Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
>> BlueQuartz Software www.bluequartz.net
>> Principal Software Engineer Dayton, Ohio
>> On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> Why do you have the "information_only" attribute ? That's used only
>> for properties whose value are obtained from the server -side and are
>> never pushed "to" the server. Simply remove that attribute, and it
>> should work -- I think.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Michael Jackson
>> <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
>> Yes, I did not know about that, but adding it still did not help.
>> --
>> Mike Jackson <www.bluequartz.net>
>> On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:02 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> Are you forgetting a this->proxy()->UpdateVTKObjects() call after you
>> have changed the value?
>> Utkarsh
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Michael Jackson
>> <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
>> In my ServerManager XML file I have the following:
>> <IntVectorProperty
>> name="ActiveDimension"
>> command="SetActiveDimension"
>> number_of_elements="1"
>> default_values="0"
>> information_only="1">
>> </IntVectorProperty>
>> And in my Client GUI code (which extends pqLoadedFormObjectPanel) I have
>> the
>> following code:
>> vtkSMProperty* smProperty =
>> this->proxy()->GetProperty("ActiveDimension");
>> if (NULL == smProperty)
>> {
>> DebugTrace(<< "SMProperty was NULL for 'ActiveDimension'" );
>> }
>> vtkSMIntVectorProperty* activeDimProperty =
>> vtkSMIntVectorProperty::SafeDownCast(smProperty);
>> activeDimProperty->SetElement(0, index);
>> Doing a std::cout on the server side indicates that the Server side
>> property
>> (ActiveDimension) is NOT getting set. What exactly am I doing wrong?
>> I would also like to have a QComboBox in the Gui that is hooked up to a
>> server side property. What is the best way to go about that?
>> Thanks
>> _________________________________________________________
>> Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
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