[Paraview] Plugin xml checker?

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 14:01:55 EST 2009

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
<utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
> Sure! But you are asking more that simple xml-validity checks. You
> also want to ensure that SetUseAutoRadius actually exists on the
> vtk-class and is call-able etc. That's far more complicated than it
> sounds. However to a great deal, ParaView does give verbose
> abort-messages in such cases to help user identify missing commands
> etc. To qualify your comment, ParaView doesn't simply crash when such
> a filter is created, it aborts with error messages (ofcourse on
> windows that may seem no different that crashing -- but on linux when
> running from a terminal, I see nice error messages before it aborts).
> Utkarsh

Mike -
Hijacking is only bad when you don't improve the question as you did :)

Utkarsh -
Ah, I am running linux but I never start Paraview from a terminal - I
guess I'll be seeing a lot more useful things than I have been! But to
Mike's suggestions, there could at least be a syntax checker (DTD I
guess it's called in XML?), as well as checking for class existence.
It could at least make the assumption that in:

<SourceProxy name="NormalEstimation"
class="vtkPointSetNormalEstimation" label="NormalEstimation">

The files vtkPointSetNormalEstimation.h/cxx need to exist. I think any
little scripts/checks like this that could be done to help nail down
problems would be great (I guess especially for windows developers).
Should we make a feature request with some of these things so some
brave person can start looking into it?



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