[Paraview] Animating vtp files

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 10:15:42 EDT 2009

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Alexandre Souza <costamfix at gmail.com>wrote:

> I have dozens of result files in vtp format and the files are named
> with a sequential number. I am interested in seeing how the results
> changes over time.  How would I go about reading the files and
> animating  in Paraview? I opened the filename..vtp and it displays the
> first file  but I don't know how to get to the next file in this
> structure.
> How can I do this in the latest versions of Paraview ?
> Any help is very welcome.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> P.S. When I press the play button the slider moves but no animation is
> showed.

This sounded like an easy question until you said you pressed play and
nothing happened...
When you click "next frame" it is supposed to display the next file in the

File -> Save Animation
should then save each step into a separate image file that you can then
concatenate into a video if necessary.

Can you provide a few of the files so we can see if we can reproduce the


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