[Paraview] vtk ascii to binary

Rafael Pacheco rpacheco at asu.edu
Mon Aug 3 20:51:30 EDT 2009


regarding your email below, could you please be kind to provide me an 
example on how to load the ascii file in ParaView and saving it as binary 
format using a python script?  I have a series of output files a00*.vtk 
(vtk legacy) written in fortran and I would like to create  movie, but 
loading the files take long 
time and space.

Thank you!

>> Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 07:30:16 -0400
>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Writing binary VTK
>> CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; paraview at paraview.org
>> If you already have the ascii VTK file, you can convert it to binary
>> by loading it in ParaView and saving it out as binary format. It is
>> pretty easy to automate this using Python. Let me know if you need an
>> example.
>> -berk

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