[Paraview] Error when opening openFOAM case

Olesen, Mark Mark.Olesen at emcontechnologies.com
Fri Apr 24 12:20:21 EDT 2009

> I've been having trouble for weeks getting ParaView to work. I've
> finally gotten a build that loads and seems to work well until I try
> to load an openFOAM casefile. In ParaView, I open the file
> (casename.foam) and then it asks for a reader because the program
> doesn't know how to read the file and then it crashes with this
> message in the terminal.
> /Volumes/openFOAM/ThirdParty/ParaView3.5 ->
> bin/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
>   what():  basic_string::_S_create
> Abort trap

This error is quite familiar (even on Linux). You have a few possible
courses of action:

- use foamToEnsight* to convert to EnSight formats

- use the library plugin supplied with OpenFOAM (loads files with
".OpenFOAM" extension)

- use Takuya OSHIMA's updated version of the OpenFOAM reader. Actually,
can someone explain why this isn't included in VTK by default? It seems
to work fairly well and Takuya is quite diligent about providing fixes
and improvements.

Here's some further information:



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