[Paraview] How to plot Surface StreamLines

Jacques Papper jacques.papper at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 04:53:28 EDT 2009

I would try :

- diminishing the step size (in cell length)
- Putting a very high number of steps
- Decreasing the termination speed


2009/4/9 Richard GRENON <richard.grenon at onera.fr>

> Hello,
> This is an addition to my previous mail about Surface Streamlines:
> After several tests, I can obtain some pieces of surface Streamlines on non
> planar surfaces (with the Wiki example for Custom Filter as with my own
> data). I have to use a very low value of "Initial Step Length" of the Custom
> StreamTracer, but I get always more or less short pieces of streamlines.
> never a full streamline from the seed point to the border of the surface. So
> I have to put many seed points all over the surface to cover the surface
> with pieces of streamlines in order to have an idea of the surface flow.
> What I would like to get is a full streamline extending over the whole
> surface from  a given seed point.  As an example, let us consider the
> fuselage of an aircraft. I would like to put some seed points on a circle
> around the fuselage at a given location on the aircraft axis. The seed
> points may be obtained using Mask Point on a Slice of the fuselage by a
> plane at the desired location on the axis. Then a Surface Vectors filter is
> applied to the fuselage dataset and the Custom StreamTracer is applied to
> the Surface Vectors. But all I can obtain is always more or less short
> (depending of the "Initial Step Length" value) pieces of surface streamlines
> extending around the seed points.
> Is there a way to have full surface streamlines with the existing filters
> other than including LC or some other software?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> --
> Richard GRENON
> Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
> 8 rue des Vertugadins
> phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
> fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
> mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr
> http://www.onera.fr
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