[Paraview] Mac OS X - Standalone bundle

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Fri Oct 31 09:58:16 EDT 2008

You need to do a "make install" to produce the standalone bundle.
I recommend using...:
DESTDIR=pvinst make install

...and then getting the standalone bundle out of the pvinst directory...

Why do you say the build directory is needed to launch it? What happens if
you move/rename the build directory and try to launch the standalone bundle?

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:00 AM, Pierre-Olivier Dallaire <
pierre-olivier.dallaire at videotron.ca> wrote:

> Good morning,
> with the latest version of Paraview (3.5.0), I understand that there is a
> new script
> (paraview_OSX_MakeStandAloneBundle.sh) to create the Mac OS X application
> bundle.
> However, the application only weights now 15 M and in fact is not
> standalone as before ->
> the build directory is needed to launch it. Any thoughts on how to solve
> this problem ?
> Best regards,
> PO
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