[Paraview] Annotate Time with legacy vtk series

Jason Hoogland jdhoogland at wbmpl.com.au
Fri Oct 10 07:25:21 EDT 2008

Is there a way in 3.2.1 to change the time "tag" mapped to a sequence number so that if you have a legacy vtk series (with default time sequence n=1..N), then Source > Annotate Time will display your tag rather than n?  I tried View > Animation View > Timekeeper - Time with "Variable Time" and:

    Time     Interpolation     Value
1   0        Ramp              4575
2   97                         7000

Is this valid or is there a better way.  Problem here was that when moving frames with the vcr controls, everything but the Annotate Time source text changed - all other display objects remained on n=97.  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong with animations?

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