[Paraview] Highlighting Selected Area

Rafael March rafaelmarch3 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 24 08:18:15 EST 2008

Hey paraview comunity,

I have a problem, and I think you can show me the path to solve it.

I've programmed a plugin which has a custom Object Panel. In this panel, I can select in a QComboBox an integer number, from 0 to 6. Suppose now that I have an unstructured grid, whose cells contain a scalar data field. What I want to do is, when a specific integer is selected, the cells which have this number associated as scalar data have their edges "highlighted". By highlighted I mean coloured in green, pink, red, or any different color. 

ParaView colors my model according to the number associated with each cell. I want to have this colors preserved. What I want to do is exactly what Selection Inspector does, when I choose to select by Threshold.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks y'all,
Rafael March.

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