[Paraview] Display number of cells over time

Matthias Moeller matthias.moeller at math.uni-dortmund.de
Fri Nov 14 08:38:45 EST 2008

Hi all,

I've got a time series of unstructured grid files. Besides the 
visualization of a scalar variable I would like to display some 
statistical data. In particular, I would like to display the number of 
elements over time (animation).

My problem is as follows: I failed to display the number of cells as 
data array. Surely, I "see" the number of cells (and nodes) in the 
Statistics View and the Information tab of the Object Inspector. As an 
intermediate solution I would like to display the number of elements as 
text field (cf. Annotate Time). Ideally, the numbers of elements for 
all(!) time steps are displayed as xy-plot (number of elements vs. time) 
which develops in time. That is, the first unstructured grid file leads 
to a single value #nel0 at time 0. The K-th unstructured grid file 
yields K values #nel0..#nelK at times 0..K

I tried paraview 3.4.0 official release and 3.5.0 top-of cvs build.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

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