[Paraview] How to run paraview in parallel

Cally K kalpana0611 at gmail.com
Mon May 19 05:56:49 EDT 2008

hi again

I just want to make sure that I am doing the right thing, I followed some
manual online to run my data on paraview ( built on a cluster )

I did using 2 approaches

My data is in a XML Polydata format

Approach A

1) Load the data

2) Run the D3 filer

3) And then run Process ID scalar to show the difference

Approach B

1) Load the data

2) save the data -- I read the below notes from paraview wiki

What does "Save Data" entry in the file menu do when you are running more
than one process ?

When running one process, "Save Data" creates a file from the current data
set in ParaView. When running more than one process, save data creates
spatially distributed files. Each process writes its own data in a file. A
single meta-file pointing to these pieces is also created.

3) Run the D3 filer

4) And then run Process ID scalar to show the difference

What am I doing wrong.. which approach should I follow...? Thanks.
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